Next time you are in the office, pick up a few referral cards! When your friends receive services from us, they can present the referral card to receive a $25 Visa Gift Card. At that time, we will also send you a $50 Visa Gift Card as a thank you!
Congratulations to this year’s winners in the 2nd annual “Wings of Fury” paper airplane contest!
Samantha for distance!
Nathan for tricks!
Kira for style!
Great job everyone!
Thank you to everyone who wrote a letter to our Compassion children Fernando and Grace! We’ll be sending them the letters over the next few months because we had so many!
We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Andersen to our team! Dr. Andersen started August 1st as our new pediatric dentist. We’re excited to have her with us. We love her and we know you will too! Dr. Andersen can’t wait to meet each and every patient so remember to schedule your regular cleanings!